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Following the launch of its homepage, Payscale experienced a 94% increase in B2B call-to-action (CTA) and click-through rates (CTR), resulting in a 1.5x increase in generated leads.


WordPress / PHP / JavaScript / HTML / CSS / Marketo / Optimizely / Node.js


PayScale is a provider of salary data and compensation management resources to both individuals and employers. However, despite being the primary revenue driver of its business, PayScale's B2B audiences were not fully leveraging the power of its solutions. These audiences did not fully understand how PayScale's offerings could help them gain a competitive advantage in the market.

To address this challenge, PayScale partnered with April Six to operationalize its strategic positioning into a brand framework, market-ready brand identity, and a web experience designed to drive B2B conversions. The new brand framework highlighted the various advantages of PayScale's solutions and services, making it clear how they could benefit their clients.

After launching its new homepage, PayScale saw impressive results. The B2B call-to-action (CTA) and click-through rates (CTR) increased by 94%, resulting in a 1.5x increase in generated leads. These impressive outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of the new brand framework and web experience in communicating PayScale's value proposition to its B2B audiences.